IDPA Defensive Pistol

Match Director - Tom Skuse

Matches are held on the third Saturday of the month. 

Sign-up @ 8:30 am
Safety/Stage briefing @ 9:00 am
Match begins upon completion of the safety briefing.

The intent of the IDPA Defensive Pistol match is to simulate self-defense scenarios and real-life encounters or skills, yet it is fun and challenging.   The main goal is to test the skill and ability of the individual, not equipment or gamesmanship.

You will need at least 100 rounds of ammo, a belt holster, magazine pouches for two magazines/speed loaders, and three magazines or speed loaders.  No shoulder holsters or behind the back holsters are allowed.

Any non-compensated semi-auto handgun with a barrel shorter than 5.3 inches can be used. Revolvers shorter than a 4 inch barrel can also be used.

Competitions are run under IDPA rules.

