Florida Fish & Wildlife (FWC) Hunter
Safety Course
The Hernando Sportsman's Club, in cooperation with the Florida Fish & Wildlife
Commision, offers the State Certified Hunters Safety Course.
This course covers the following topics:
Guns & Wildlife Laws
Hunting Ethics
Firearms Nomenclature Ammunition Nomenclature
Safe Gun Handling Wildlife I.D.
Field First Aid
Black Powder Firearms
Wildlife Management
Bow Hunting
"It's the Law".....A person born on or after June 1, 1975, may
not be issued a license to hunt animal life with the use of a firearm (including muzzleloader), bow, or crossbow
in the State of Florida without first having successfully completed a hunter safety course.
There is no charge for the course. All equipment and
course materials are provided.
The traditional hunter safety course is approximately 16
hours of classroom instruction over two days, typically Saturday and Sunday, and includes range time.
For those taking the online course, approximately 6 hours of range time is required
to complete the online course.
To sign-up for a hunter safety course, please call the
Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission (Lakeland office) at 863-648-3200, or
you may pre-register online at:
Hunter Safety Course dates offered at the Hernando
Sportsman's Club:
January 11 -12 : Traditional
February 22: Online Course students - range time only
March 22 -23 : Traditional
April 26 : Online Course students - range time only
June 8 : Online Course students - range time only
July 12 -13 : Traditional
August 23 : Online Course students - range time only
August 24: Online Archery course students - range time only
September 27 - 28 : Traditional
October 19 : Online Course students - range time only


