The Hernando Sportsman’s Club, Inc. was founded in January 1980 as the Hernando County Rifle & Pistol Club, Inc.
It was formed to fill a need for an organized shooting fraternity in Hernando County and the surrounding areas.
The main purpose of the Club is to support and encourage the legitimate and safe usage of firearms,
educate the public in safe firearms handling and encourage good sportsmanship and patriotism.
The Club began with eleven people who met at the North Campus of PHCC in January 1980.
Among the Club's first accomplishments was obtaining a place to shoot.
The Club used the McDonald Mine east of Brooksville as a range for several years.
In 1983, the Club obtained permission to use another old mine off Weatherly Road just northeast of
Brooksville which was about four times larger than the original mine.
In 1988, with 140 members and many gun shows and fundraisers behind them, the Club finally purchased the
current 80+ acre parcel of land off U.S. Hwy 19.
Actual access to the property at that time was through the north side of the 80 acres.
Initial zoning and permitting was finally accomplished after approximately 3 years and construction began.
Through this initial period, the Club did not actually have a range to use but through many fundraisers and events,
the Club managed to grow and retain it’s members.
Work began on the 200-meter range and the trap range.Legal access to the club was obtained through a lease with the
State for the use of the current road into Chassahowitzka Wildlife Management area.
In February 1992, the Club finally hosted it’s first open house on the Trap Range which was somewhat completed.
Construction continued on the 200-meter range and began on the 100-yard Open Range to provide a general-purpose range.
Further construction brought the club a Skeet/Five Stand Range, an Archery Range and a 50 Yard Range.
Construction continues today as funds permit which are primarily derived from the club gun & knife
shows. Phase 1 of the clubhouse is complete and the club is moving toward Phase 2 which will house the kitchen, dining
area, offices and a small store as well as a small conference room area.
The club offers shotgun, rifle, pistol and archery daily.
Various events held at the range include Hi-Power Rifle, Junior 22 Rifle, Big Bore Pistol Silhouette,
Cowboy Action Matches & Cowboy Fast Draw, Bowling Pin Matches, Precision Pistol, IDPA, USPSA, Action Rifle
Matches, 3-Gun Matches, 2-Gun Action Matches, Steel Matches, Machine Gun Shoots, and Cannon Shoots.
The Club also sponsors a 4-H Shooting Sports Program, Hunters Education, Project Appleseed Rifle marksmanship clinics,
and NRA firearms classes.
Having begun with eleven members in 1980, the Club today has over 1,100 family memberships.
The Club is also an affiliate of the National Rifle Association, Unified Sportsman of Florida,
National Skeet Shooting Assoc., Florida Sport Shooting Assoc., CMP, USPSA, IDPA, and SASS.
Membership is open and available for a one-time $300.00 initiation fee, plus $100.00 annual dues.
It is a family membership that includes spouse and any children living at home up to the age of 21 years old.
A monthly newsletter is published and mailed to all members.
The Club welcomes visitors to the range and to the quarterly club meetings held the on the first Tuesday in January,
April & October in the Clubhouse, with July being the annual club dinner meeting for members only.

